José Villén Altamirano


Despacho: 2004 (Bloque II) 
Teléfono: 34-913367525 
Fax: 34-913367877 

Dirección postal:  

Dpto. de Matemática Aplicada 
Escuela Universitaria de Informática 
Crta. de Valencia, km.

28031 Madrid (Spain)



 Tutorías Primer semestre curso 2015-2016

  • Miércoles de 9.30 a 11 y de 13 a 14

  • Jueves de 9.30 a 11 y de 11.30 a 13.30


   Asignaturas impartidas   

  • Investigación Operativa 
  • Herramientas y Técnicas de Simulación


 Áreas de interés en investigación: 


Artículos recientes :

  • Analysis of RESTART Simulation: Theoretical Basis and Sensitivity Study

             European Transactions on Telecommunications vol. 13, Nº 4, 373-385, 2002


  • Optimality and Robustness of RESTART simulation

             Ponencia presentada en el “Fourth Workshop on Rare Event Simulation and Related Combinatorial Optimisation Problems”, Madrid, Abril 2002.

  • Importance Functions for Achieving Asymptotic Efficiency in RESTART Simulation

Ponencia presentada en "INFORM’S 2003", Estambul, Julio 2003


  • Simulation with RESTART of Two-Stages Networks

    Ponencia presentada en "EURO XX", Rodas, Julio 2004

  • Use of Re-Scheduling in Rare Event RESTART Simulation

          Ponencia presentada en el "5th St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation", San Petersburgo, Junio 2005

  • Analysis of Pesticide Residues by on-Line Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography-Gas Chromatography in the Oil from Olives Grown in an Experimental Study

 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, vol. 86, pag. 129-134, Enero 2006  

  •  On the Efficiency of RESTART for Multidimensional Systems

 ACM  Transaction on Modeling and Computer Simulation, vol. 16 (3), pag. 251-279, Julio 2006.

  • Analysis of Pesticide Residues by on-Line Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography-Gas Chromatography in the Oil from Olives Grown in an Experimental Study. Part II

 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, vol. 86, pag. 1926-1931, Septiembre 2006.


  • Importance Functions for RESTART Simulation of General Jackson Networks   

       Ponencia presentada en el “Sixth Workshop on Rare Event Simulation”, Bamberg (Alemania), Octubre 2006. Actas pag. 184-196.


  • Rare Event RESTART Simulation of Two-Stages Networks

European Journal of Operation Research, Vol. 179, Issue 1, pag. 148-159, Mayo 2007.


  • Rare Event Simulation in Large Networks

      Ponencia presentada en "EURO XXII", Praga, Julio 2007. Actas pag. 172

  • Importance Functions for RESTART Simulation of Highly-Dependable Systems                                                   

       Simulation 83, pag. 821-828, Diciembre 2007.

Dependability Estimation For Non-Markov Consecutive-K-out-of-N: F Repairable Systems by RESTART Simulation                                                                                                                                                                        

      Ponencia presentada en "CLAIO 2008", Cartagena de Indias, Septiembre 2008, Actas pag. 114

  • Recent Advances in RESTART Simulations                                                                                                                  

Ponencia presentada en el “Seventh Workshop on Rare Event Simulation”, Rennes (Francia), Septiembre 2008. Actas pag. 81-93.

  • RESTART Simulation of Networks of Queues with Erlang Service Times  

      Ponencia invitada en el  Winter Simulation Conference, Austin (EE UU). Diciembre 2009. Actas  pag. 1146-1154.

  • Importance Functions for RESTART Simulation of General Jackson Networks

European Journal of Operation Research 203 (1), 156-165. Enero 2010.

  • RESTART Simulation of Non-Markov Consecutive-K-out-of-N: F Repairable Systems

Reliability Engineering and System Safety 95 (3), 247-254. Marzo 2010.

  • RESTART Simulation of Non-Markovian Queueing Networks

Ponencia presentada en el “8th Workshop on Rare Event Simulation”, Cambridge (Inglaterra), Junio 2010.  

Ver video de la Universidad de Cambridge:

  •  Estimation of Rare Event Probabilities by Simulation in Networks of Queues.

           Ponencia presentada en ALIO-INFORMS Joint Internacional Meeting, Buenos Aires. Actas pag.77.


  • The Rare Event Simulation Method RESTART: Efficiency Analysis and Guidelines for its Application

 Lecture Notes on Computer Science 5233, pp. 509–547, Abril 2011.

  • Asymptotic Analysis of RESTART Estimators in Highly Dependable Systems.   

       Ponencia presentada en 9th Workshop on Rare Event Simulation, RESIM’12, Trondheim (Noruega). Proc. pp. 16-27.


  • Rare Event Simulation of Non-Markovian Queuing Networks Using RESTART Method.                                    

    Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 37, 70-78 , Mayo 2013

    • Factors that influence the propensity to patent. 
    Engineering Management Journal 25 (3), 27-38, Septiembre 2013
    • Asymptotic optimality of RESTART estimators in highly dependable systems. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 130, 125-134, Octubre 2014.





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If you are interested in some of these papers, please request them by e-mail:

Página actualizada en septiembre de 2015.